Saturday, November 18, 2006

New Thoughts

Things have been good, life goes on with the daily routine, really nothing new and exciting. The holiday season is here much too soon, but that's ok --even though it is a time of year that i don't look forward to. Giving thanks is getting easier for me, after some very difficult years. "The Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations" (Psalm 100:5) These times of the year (Thanksgiving, Christmas and even Easter) are painful, because of the reminder of those that are no longer with us and very lonely because it reminds me of lost family moments, but what i've been trying to remember is that i belong to the eternal family, because i'm loved by God.

I've added a link that i enjoyed. Some will think it is "cheesy" but i enjoyed.

Blessings to all


Anonymous said...

I didn't think the link was cheesy. I thought it was inspiring. Thanks for sharing it. It has been way too long since we have seen you. We miss you.

Joyce Collins said...

Well, you are on my list of people to be thankful for. The sermon we heard at Jacob's Well Sunday morning reminded us to thank God for the people that have manifested His love towards us. You are on that list for our family, Marcia. You are always here for us when we need you. I do thank God for you!!!!!